Choosing Your Aggregates for Terrazzo

Choosing Your Aggregates

Choosing Your Aggregates For Terrazzo


When designing for terrazzo, choosing your aggregate and resin color can create infinite outcomes.


One of the easiest parts of designing terrazzo floors?

Choosing a resin color.


Like we mentioned in this blog post you can pick an accent color from your interiors and go from there.


One of the hardest parts?

Choosing your aggregates.


The color, size, and hardness of an aggregate will completely change the look and feel of your floor. One wrong selection and suddenly your floors go from masterpiece to mistake.


Terrazzo Aggregate Shapes

Aggregate Colors

The color of your aggregate is important, but it’s not too difficult. In this case, pick something that compliments the color of your resin; has variations to create interest; mix and match colors for a unique look. Marble chips often come in a wide range of hues. White, black, and brown chips are commonly used to design a terrazzo floor. Glass chips present bolder and more vibrant colors for a fascinating display.

Colorful Crushed Glass Chips for Terrazzo Flooring

Aggregate Size

Choosing a size of aggregate is a bit trickier. Aggregates – in reference to terrazzo – comes in standard sizes: 0, 1, and 2; zero being the smallest and two the largest. You can, of course, go larger, but it will all depend on your design. Larger chips in industry terms are known as Venetian. You’ll want to use a variety of sizes in your floors rather than just sticking to all different aggregates of the same size. The more prominent you’d like a particular aggregate to be, the larger it should be in comparison to the rest. Note: For epoxy terrazzo floors, it is recommended to use standard sizes due to meet the 1/4 or 3/8″ thickness. As the aggregate size increases, the less likely that an epoxy terrazzo system will be specified, and a cement terrazzo system is used instead.

Terrazzo Sample Size

Cement terrazzo samples that use large-sized aggregates.

Hardness of Aggregate

Finally, the hardest piece to the puzzle. Literally. This should actually be the first step in the process of choosing aggregates, but I saved it for last here because it can be a bit confusing if you’re new to the whole terrazzo thing.


Different types of aggregates come in varying levels of hardness.


This is important because you don’t want to pair super hard aggregates with super soft ones. Essentially, pick one side of the spectrum for your project and stay there. For example, if you’re planning on using marble aggregates, don’t pair it with plastic; try glass instead. If you aren’t sure about the hardness of your aggregates, you can always refer to the Moh Scale of Hardness for some help!

Aggregate Brochure - Concord Terrazzo Company

Are you ready to start selecting your aggregates?


Download the TERRAZZCO Aggregate Brochure. Ready to start choosing your aggregates for a one-of-a-kind terrazzo design? If so, the aggregate brochure showcases TERRAZZCO’s entire catalog of marble, glass and shell chips.


Even with these tips, choosing aggregates for your terrazzo floors can be somewhat intimidating, especially if you’re new to the process. If you’d like some help, don’t hesitate to contact our experts at


View All Aggregates


Concord Terrazzo Company crushes, processes, and distributes aggregates across the Charlotte, NC area, and nationwide.

We ensure you get the best quality of material delivered to your location on time at a fair price. Review our supply of marble, glass, Mother of Pearl and recycled aggregate options.


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