17 Mar The Terrazzo Trend

The Terrazzo Trend
Everyone is looking for the next big thing. Every year there seems to be a new trend in hairstyle, clothing, and technology. While some trends last, others tend to fade away. So how does terrazzo, a flooring material dating back several hundred years ago, all of a sudden become a flooring trend in the modern age? Terrazzo is making a comeback and it’s time to take notice.
Terrazzo has been around since the early 15th century, providing architects with one of the most elegant materials to work with. Style changes over time. Today deciding to change the floor of your home or business can redefine how a space looks and feels. By installing terrazzo floors, the material provides tremendous aesthetic value with its customized look. Architects and designers have used a variety of materials in their plans, but we at TERRAZZCO® believe that terrazzo is bound to make it onto a designer’s desired list. Terrazzo provides a certain quality that should be noticed.
Durability of Terrazzo
There are many features that make terrazzo a popular flooring option. Durability is among one of the terrazzo’s finest qualities. Designers are focusing more on using materials that have a long lifespan with easy maintenance. Taking a look at terrazzo, the material has an average life cycle of 75 years. In fact, terrazzo can last hundreds of years. 75 years is a long time for anything, making terrazzo one of the most durable materials available for designers and architects to use. Minimal repairs are needed for terrazzo making it a cost-effective option as well.
The durability of terrazzo makes it ideal for high-traffic foot areas. Universities, healthcare facilities, airports, and government centers can all benefit from installing a terrazzo floor. Terrazzo provides that grand feeling when you enter a lobby or grace down a hallway. It’s quite comforting. Recent studies have even shown a positive influence on overall health when beautiful architecture is present.

Floor Design
New designs keep people engaged in the world. Color and texture continue to exert a strong influence on user perceptions. In this day and age, architects and designers develop different styles and colors into their work to great results. Terrazzo gives designers the option to use any color or shapes they wish to create anything imaginable. Now while the initial cost of terrazzo may seem baffling, architects and designers understand the great longevity that the material has. Architects can preserve their work for years to come.
What makes terrazzo a trend in today’s times is the fact that anyone can use the material. It is not just limited to commercial buildings. Instead, terrazzo designs are making their way into your homes. Design experts can suggest that terrazzo is quite the upgrade for any kitchen or bathroom. A great feature of terrazzo is its low maintenance requirements. As a result, cleaning up a floor or countertop has never been so simple. All you need is warm water and a soft cloth to wipe down your countertop.
Environmentally Friendly Solution
Made from recycled materials, terrazzo benefits the environment as well. TERRAZZCO® is doing its part to reuse materials that meet exceptional standards. As sustainable buildings continue to develop around the world, terrazzo is a simple solution for decision-makers who focus in on preserving the planet’s resources. Studies have linked green materials to better health. Since terrazzo is VOC-free, it produces better air quality and reduces the risk of allergies and other health hazards.
Terrazzo is a timeless material. As trusted suppliers of terrazzo, we understand why people are admiring terrazzo flooring these days. It brings great value to them. It has unbeaten durability, flexible design and use capabilities, and easy care and maintenance. Be sure to do your research on terrazzo to learn how it can make a difference in your construction or remodeling plans. One thing is certain – terrazzo is making an impact in our society.